Is there decent work in a “great place to work”?




decent work, work environment, fundamental rights, dignity


Most people try to select, if possible, the places in which they want to work, assuming that the best ones are related to what is idealized as decent work. However, there is not always an adequate understanding of what this term represents: respect for human and fundamental rights as the minimum necessary to live with dignity. Therefore, this case study analyzed the working environment of a company already certified as “a great place to work” to verify whether it was consistent with the current and international conception of decent work. It was concluded that the organizational climate of the company analyzed is, as a rule, good, especially for the most employees who participated in the surveys promoted by the certifying institution. However, care related to workers' occupational health and safety is insufficient, and there is much to be done regarding the inclusion of vulnerable groups.


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Author Biographies

Márcia Spindler, Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego - MTE

Auditora-Fiscal do Trabalho. Mestra em Trabalho, Saúde e Ambiente pela Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho (Fundacentro). Especializada em Direito do Trabalho e Direitos Humanos pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Especializada em Higiene Ocupacional pela Escola Politécnica da USP. Bacharela em Comunicação Social pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. 

Filipe Colares Nascimento, Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego - MTE

Auditor-Fiscal do Trabalho. Mestre em Ciências do Trabalho (Fundacentro). Especialista em Direito do Trabalho e Direitos Humanos pela Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Especialista em Engenharia de Segurança no Trabalho (UFMT). Graduado em Engenharia Elétrica (UFMG) e em Direito (Laureate International Universities). 



How to Cite

Spindler, M., & Nascimento, F. C. (2024). Is there decent work in a “great place to work”?. Laborare, 7(12), 33–57.



Estudos de caso: Direitos Humanos e Direito ao Trabalho no Brasil