Vol. 6 No. 10 (2023): O Trabalho em Plataformas Digitais no Brasil

Capa Laborare Volume 6 Número 10

Editoria Geral: Emerson Victor Hugo Costa de Sá e Valdete Souto Severo.
Editores do Dossiê “O trabalho em plataformas digitais no Brasil”: Ricardo Festi (UnB), Bruna de Carvalho (Auditora Fiscal do Trabalho, UnB), Cícero Muniz (UnB) e Raphael Lapa (UnB).
Editores Assistentes: Fernando Donato Vasconcelos, Sílvio Carlos Andrade da Silva, Maria Cristina Serrano Barbosa, Paulo Antônio Barros Oliveira e Hilana Carvalho Pereira.
Revisão e normalização: Sílvio Carlos Andrade da Silva, Bruna Vasconcelos de Carvalho e Emerson Victor Hugo Costa de Sá.
Foto da capa: Sérgio Carvalho, auditor-fiscal do trabalho e fotógrafo.
Diagramação: Thaís Moret

Published: 2023-02-28


  • Work mediated by platform: autonomy or precariousness?

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-202

Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

  • Formal and technical issues to be observed in technical note SEI 14127/2021-ME in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Ana Luiza Horcades, Larissa Abreu, Felipe Wittich
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-150
  • Ergonomic analysis of facade painting with the use of the electric individual balancin

    Matheus Schaun Caetano, Alessandra Buss Tessaro, Liliane Ferreira Gomes, Flávia Costa de Mattos , Jorge Luiz Oleinik Nunes , Jorge Luiz Saes Bandeira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-191

O Trabalho em Plataformas Digitais no Brasil

  • Interview with Abel Santos: the struggle of app delivery people in DF, Brazil

    Ricardo Festi, Pedro Burity Borges, Nicolas Eyck van Dyck Araújo de Oliveira
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-195
  • The mediation of work by digital platforms and its impacts on the autonomy of workers

    Helena Martins, Jonas C. L. Valente, Marina Polo, Mirele Rodrigues, Raíssa Pacheco
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-180
  • Self-employed or employees? An examination of working conditions at the digital platform Rappi

    Diogo Torres, João Pedro Oliveira Magalhães, Silvia Helena Coelho Gomes, Vanessa Cunha de Souza
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-177
  • Platform work and piece rate

    Laura Valle Gontijo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-165
  • “Our suffering is greater than what we express”: The working conditions of delivery workers by app in the Federal District

    Kethury Magalhães dos Santos
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-189
  • Couriers and Covid-19: A delivery to the Legislative Power

    Aline Gil Pereira Soares
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-188
  • Kilometers of hunger: The weaknesses of the uberization of work and the subordination of the new neoliberal subject

    Thayuany de Jesus Rodrigues
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-187
  • Relation between points and class consciousness for delivery app workers

    Pedro Burity Borges
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-183
  • The demystification of self-management at work in digital platforms

    Sara Nogueira de Araujo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33637/2595-847x.2023-164